Всем Skyrim пасаны! / Skyrim :: бред :: fus ro dah :: видео (video)

видео песочница Skyrim fus ro dah бред 
Всем Skyrim пасаны!

Skyrim : 2012,Film,The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim,game,xbox 360,skyrim mod,skyrim,mod,skyrim them,soundtrack,skyrim soundtrack,Theme,destruction,spells,skyrim live action,live,action,grobropros,john,grosjean,justin,Quest,Adventure,Adventures,skyrim belethor,belethor,skyrim sigurd,sigurd,skyrim battle,skyrim dragon,dragon,greybeards,fus ro dah,fus,ro,dah,belethors shop,skyrim gameplay,arrow in the knee,Skyrim is still thriving in the year 2012 and Belethor's distant cousin Gregethor is running the shop with Digurd, Sigurd's distant relative. Buckets still get put on heads and coin purses still get thieved, and throwing fire and ice at each other is still the preferred way of settling a dispute. Enjoy! *If you've never played Skyrim, nor have seen the "bucket on head videos" this short film probably wont make any sense to you, but I hope you enjoy none the less! If you need a good Skyrim Forum here's the place to go- http://skyrimforums.org Camera crew - Alaina Grosjean & Kaleigh Miller Editors - John & Justin Grosjean Cast - John & Justin Grosjean Zach Smith Donovan Carney Greg Davis *For awesome Tuts on video editing check out www.videocopilot.net
видео,video,песочница,Skyrim,fus ro dah,бред
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вэри вандэфул!)
pen4ik pen4ik 11.01.201208:02 ответить ссылка 0.0
ухахаххаа)) особенно вконце крик))
tvr1 tvr1 11.01.201208:07 ответить ссылка 0.0
xpucck xpucck 11.01.201211:16 ответить ссылка 0.0
Sinyak Sinyak 11.08.201221:39 ответить ссылка 0.0
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Прораборожденный!  Pshe ro dah! А ну-ка подвинься . парень!