In the trial, Vivec denies that he murders Nerevar, although he once hid a message in his Thirty-Six Lessons of Vivec. The message says, "He was not born a god. His destiny did not lead him to this crime. He chose this path of his own free will. He stole the godhood and murdered the Hortator. Vivec wrote this."

Vivec uses his water-face (a condition that makes him cannot lie) and says, "As Vehk and Vehk I hereby answer, my right and my left, with black hands. Vehk the mortal did murder the Hortator. Vehk the God did not, and remains as written. And yet these two are the same being. And yet are not, save for one red moment. Know that with the Water-Face do I answer, and so cannot be made to lie."
Другая сторона в том, что Неревар просто пиздолисил "шлюхе скампа", а АЛЬМСИВИ принесли своему народу мир и процветание не долгие годы.
Да и гипотеза, что вивек учавствовал в выпиле Неревара, мягко говоря сомнительна.