английский сложно

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космос башни английский сложно Даэдра длиннопост биология ...The Elder Scrolls фэндомы 

Я бы мог вам это перевести, но вы сами не глупенькие, справитесь.

Tamriel The towers have the power to v/arp reality, change the Gods and affect parrallel universes Known towers include the Numidi the Red Mountain, V/hite-Gold Tower, Throat of the World, Green-Sap, Ata-Mantia Cyrt sal-Like-Law, Orichalc and the Tower Each tov/er has a "Gem’ that powers it
Dragonbreaks are the merging of parrallel timelines caused v/hen something makes Akatosh loose his shit Parrallel universes (Adjacent Placc^^tatin Mundus; some similar, others completely differerMI t* The Gods overlap many, if not all, of these universes simulatniously The pov/er of the towers

Shooting stars a chunks of magic and matter from Aetherius il circumstances, use his power in entire Akatosm Oblivion The Divines existance The Earthbones are lesser et'Ada who decided togive life to the world, becoming aspects of nature abd the decendents of all mortal races The stars are

Daedric Princes can absorb realms into their own being There are infinite realms of Oblivion, and at least 137,026 known realms Soul Carn Several realms, such as Apocryphia, Moonshadow, the Ashpits and the Coloured Rooms are infinite in size Some princes have more than one realm of Oblivion,

If a Daedra is killed, they will return to Oblivion to regenerate; the more powerful the Daedra, the longer it takes Being outside the realm of Akatosh's durisdiction (for the most part), time works differently in Oblivion, from being more maleble to flat up not-existing. The longer a Prince

Satakal ¡A serpant so large it can swallow tA entire Aurbis v/hole, from whom Anu and Padomay sf,The Elder Scrolls,фэндомы,космос,башни,английский сложно,Даэдра,длиннопост,биология

The Godhead exists above all concepts & existances i* I Ï The Godhead is a being of Aim; enlightenment - all things are subgradients of%, it has always exists and always will Within the ij exist infinite Amaranths, each a Draper of uream of créai their own capable of creating an entire

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